Always The Wonky Table

Have you ever been to a restaurant, sat down and got yourself comfortable and realize that the table you’re sitting at is unstable, wobbly, ‘wonky’? Of course you have. It has happened more than on a few occasions to my fiancé and I. The past Thursday was much of the same.

We sat down to a champagne and macaron tasting and immediately found our table to be a little unstable. We have both been going through quite a mentally draining time recently and needed a break away from the monotony of life and the stressors that had been consuming us as of late. Her first words as we sat down were ‘we always get the wonky table’…

This little comment from my fiancé had me thinking. Is it just us that gets the wonky table? Surely not. Surely what we are experiencing internally is manifesting itself on the outside, (be it through us attracting a wonky table or the victim mindset of us having found the one fault in an otherwise enjoyable evening, and believing it is an issue exclusive to us).

I believe it to be both forms of manifestation. I believe that when we are feeling a certain kind of way that that is what we will continue to feel and experience until we make the conscious decision to change. It will be a vicious cycle, a never-ending circle until that decision is taken. Until you say to yourself, ‘alright, that’s enough, I am happy, I am positive and that is exactly what I will be attracting and experiencing in my life.

This is definitely the more difficult path. It’s really easy on paper; difficult as hell in practice, when you’re at the bottom of that hole and need to dig yourself out.

It is innate to think that we should wait for this time to pass (I’ve been there too) and that we should wait out this period to feel better about ourselves, regain our confidence and positivity and our life will be on track once again. That it’s external forces at work causing us to feel this way. Again, I’ve been there too; and it’s bullshit! It is the opposite way around; a full 180 from our comfort zone.

There’s been a few occasions in my life when I have been in this pit; really really down and out. those periods had lasted months (and one longer than a year). Once I had made the conscious decision to throw caution to the wind, block out every bit of negative emotion and negative self-talk (mind a few falls along the way) then only did I start to see positive change in my life. I felt lighter, could think more clearly and could attract positive change and prosperity into my life. I became happier.

It’s a really difficult lesson to put into practice. There are books (The Secret) that speak of this; books that people brush off because it feels too basic and somewhat far-fetched (that such a small change can have such life-changing effects). I can attest to truth behind those words.

If you’re like me and have had those periods in your life, waited for them to pass before experiencing happiness again, or are in this pit right now, I challenge you to try out this positivity hack and manifest your own happiness. What do you have to lose? If you’re waiting for the time to pass, it will, either way. Surely you could do with a little happiness during that time lapse.

We could all do with a little more happiness…

#Happiness #Manifestation #Manifest #Happiness #Believe #Positivity #Change #TheSecret #Champagne #Macaron #ComfortZone

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