Turning Right, Looking Left

The week that’s passed I had taken 2 days off from work. It’s the week after the financial year-end and my body was telling me that it needed a break. I had Tuesday and Friday off. Random days, but there were reasons for that. The Monday, I wanted to be around to make sure everything from the previous week was executed. The Wednesday and Thursday I had some important meetings to attend to and presentations to be done. Any time off I could take, I did. It was needed.

The year-end felt like a constant battle; everything was a burden. That when you think you’ve sorted out one issue another one is around the corner. If I’ve learned anything from Daniel Kahneman’s Thinking Fast & Slow, it’s that the mind is constantly being conditioned and operating from a place of conditioning. 100% true for me for last week…

After dealing with the issues of the previous week my mind is now conditioned to looking for the next issue, the next obstacle or waiting for something to go wrong…

Last week, the week after year-end, I had a stellar week, very honestly. Things just went right for me. (Almost) all that I expected to happen, did, and some instances were better than imagined. Great! I was feeling good right? Wrong!

I was getting more and more good news yet I constantly felt like something bad was going to happen, something was going to throw all these positive events upside down. It’s a constant mix of anxiety and (unexplained) stress. That feeling, I wish on no one!

As much as I tried to talk myself out of these emotions, I couldn’t. As much as I tried to put things in perspective, I couldn’t shake off that feeling of unease…

Perhaps I need to work on my mental strength? Perhaps I need to work on avoidance? I don’t know. I just don’t know.

Today’s post goes out to all those who live in this perpetual mental state. To be honest, I am one of those for a very very large part of my life. I know how it feels. We just have to find ways of living with ourselves. For me it’s baking, planting, gym-ing and reading (writing brings all those emotions back). We have to find a way to be happy, as difficult as it might be…

Here’s to you, my fellow people 🥃

FYI, nothing bad happened last week. It was all on the up-and-up. 🙏🏽

#Positive #Positivity #Negative #Negativity #DanielKahneman #ThinkingFastAndSlow #Anxiety #Stress #Pessimism #Realism #Happy #Happiness #Perspective #Emotions #Emotional

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